Members of our Company gathered together at Chequer Mead in East Grinstead on the evening of 25th May for our Annual General Meeting. As well as the normal business, two Special Resolutions were put before the Members.
For many years there has been a lot of confusion about what it is that our Company does. Not surprisingly, many people thought that we looked after either the War Memorial in the High Street, or the one in the grounds of East Court. Well, actually we don’t manage either of these two, but what we do own and manage is the major part of the magnificent East Court Estate.
To better describe what our Company does, it was therefore proposed at the AGM that the name of the Company be changed from East Grinstead War Memorial Ltd, to East Grinstead Memorial Estate Ltd, and this was overwhelmingly endorsed by our Members.
Whilst geared up for bringing our Company bang up to date we decided to also tackle our rather antiquated Memorandum and Articles of Association, the document which governs how our Company is run. A totally new version, based on the Government model in the Companies Act 2006, was approved by the Members at the AGM. These can be viewed by clicking the link below: